News & Articles

Keeping you up to date with our latest news about Medical Treatment, Vaccinations, Women’s Health and other healthcare news

Menopause casting call

Dear  Patients,   I have received a request from a TV company which is casting for an online series about the menopause and is looking for

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Stopping HRT

Women shouldn’t be advised to stop taking HRT after any arbitrary time limit,’ say the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines that

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In the Press

Metro – What does postnatal depression feel like and how can you get help? – 2nd November 2019

Dr Gaya Nathan has spoken with the Metro about postnatal depression and how people can get help. Read the full story here.

Metro – The complicated relationship between depression and your sleep – 20th October 2019

We have shared our tips and knowledge on depression and how it interacts with sleep. Read the full story here.


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Disclaimer – for information of users: The information in this document is intended for general advice only and no action should be taken in respect of individual circumstances without receiving specific advice.

The matters discussed in this podcast are by necessity brief and comprise summations and introductions to the subject referred to. All information accurate at the time of publication.