Private GP Consultations In Harrow North London
Our private GP consultations provide you with a fast, convenient and uncompromised private care service, whenever and whatever your needs. Our highly experienced professionals offer 15 to 30-minute appointments on a same day or next-day basis.
What to expect on the day of your appointment
The Harrow Health Care Centre can provide a written report for you and a private prescription if required. We can undertake investigations such as blood and urine testing, resting ECGs and lung function tests.
We can refer you rapidly for further diagnostic services or to a consultant of your choice. We have close working relationships with the consultants within this hospital and others, and can usually recommend someone in tune with you and your needs.

Who can use our private GP consultation service?
Our services are available to everyone! Use our simple booking form below to book your appointments, whenever and for whatever problem you may have.
Our private consultations are also particularly helpful for those visiting from abroad, are not eligible for NHS care or would like a second opinion.

Individualised assessments

Process your prescription on-site

Young Patients
We welcome children and young adults at Harrow Healthcare Centre! Generally speaking, a child is defined as anyone under the age of 18. An adolescent/young adult is defined as anyone aged 10-19
Your doctor will introduce themselves, take a thorough history, an examination which is appropriate to the medical issue involved, and discuss a plan for your care with you.
Above all, we promise to listen to the concerns of you and your parents (if attending together with them) and take everyone’s view into account as well as our own medical expertise.
We take a family-centred approach – putting the needs of the child/young patient first, working closely with parents/guardians, we aim to work with you to provide a plan for the most appropriate treatment.
This may include: general advice on symptom control, medication, investigations and referral to a Paediatric specialist.
If available, it would be helpful to bring: Babies/young children: ideally, the Red Book or equivalent child health surveillance books, including vaccination records
Previous specialist letters – for example, if you have seen a Paediatric specialist before
No, not necessarily, but ideally, a parent/guardian should attend with you.
During the consultation, we may ask your parent/guardian to leave the room, to allow you the opportunity to discuss anything with us by yourself
If a child/young adult is deemed competent to make their own decisions, having an adult to accompany you is not always necessary.
However, we may ask you to contact your parents/guardians if there are any concerns.
At 16 it is legally presumed that young people have the ability to make decisions about their own care.
Respecting patient confidentiality is an essential part of good care. This applies to all patients whether a child, young person or adult.
If it is considered necessary to share clinical information with other medical professionals, we would aim to do this only with the consent of the child/young person/parents/guardians.
Occasionally, there are situations when we feel it necessary to share information without your consent. However, we would only breach confidentiality if there is a risk of harm to yourself, or to others.
If you would like a chaperone to be present during the consultation, please ask the receptionist when booking your appointment. A chaperone is someone who can come in with you and be there while you are seeing the doctor. Often they can comfort you and talk to you while being examined so to help give you a welcome distraction.
Sometimes, your doctor will offer a chaperone, for example, for intimate examinations, which are only done with prior consent.
Safeguarding children and young people and promoting their welfare means :
- Protecting children from maltreatment
- Preventing wherever possible impairment of children’s health or development
- Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care, and
- Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
Child protection is defined as:
Being part of safeguarding and promoting welfare. It is the work done to protect specific children who are suffering, or are likely to suffer, significant harm.
This means for you that, if we have any concerns about your safety, it is our duty to address them by discussing them with health professionals who are trained in this area and can help. We will always ask your permission to do this but sometimes we might have to report any worries we have about your well being even if you don’t give permission so we can ensure that you are safe and well.