Is it safe to take the contraceptive pill every day?
One of the most popular contraceptive options available in the UK is the contraceptive pill, historically women have been advised to take a seven-day break to help regulate hormones and thus induce menstruation.
Second generation blood tests could save health services money
According to a recent study by Imperial College London, the current blood tests conducted by UK health organisations should be replaced with a more recent and accurate blood test in order to spot more cases of tuberculosis (TB).
Petition to lower the age for cervical cancer screening goes to Parliament
Recently, there have been debates on whether the Government should lower the age for cervical cancer screening from 25 to 18.
Avian flu warning for travellers going to celebrate Chinese New Year
Health officials are warning travellers who are likely to go to China during the annual festival, to take appropriate action to ensure they are protected against avian flu.
NHS overturn ‘Pope Rule’ and suggest taking contraceptive pill every day
The NHS is changing their guidelines on how to take the contraceptive pill from the current ‘three weeks on, one week off’ suggestion to taking it every day of the month.
Public Health England issue warning about low flu vaccination uptake
Public Health England (PHE) has claimed that the levels of flu and influenza are putting significant pressure on intensive care units to the same level as experienced during last year’s winter crisis.
A third of women skip their cervical screening test
The latest figures revealed that around three million women across the UK haven’t had a smear test for at least three and a half years.
Importance of immunisation brought to light as third child in a week diagnosed with measles
People travelling to Australia have been warned about protecting themselves against measles, after a third child in less than a week has been diagnosed with measles in New South Wales (NSW).
Health officials warn of first case of drug-resistant super-gonorrhoea originating in UK
An alert has been issued by health officials after two cases of super-gonorrhoea have been found in the UK, one of which could be the first case to have been caught in the country.
New cervical cancer test could revolutionise screening in future
A new cervical cancer test which researchers have been developing and testing could revolutionise cervical cancer screening in the future, offering cheaper and more accurate results.
People travelling to Japan urged to precautions against outbreak of Rubella
Health Officials are urging anyone who is likely to travel to Japan in the coming months to take adequate measures to protect themselves against rubella.
Women need to keep on top of their personal health
An article in The Independent this week has voiced concerns that many doctors and medical professionals do not take female medical complaints seriously enough.