Menopause hot flushes medication
Fezolinetant (Veoza) The long-awaited and game-changing medication for hot flushes is now available in the UK Veoza is not a hormone treatment, so it is suitable for women for whom hormone replacement therapy is not safe, or who wish to avoid hormones. Those of us who care for breast cancer survivors have been watching in […]
Dr Woyka is back for Menopause and more
Dr Woyka is now back seeing Menopause patients old and new. She is also available for regular GP consultations. If you have a menopause related query do please email us on [email protected]
Menopause casting call

Dear Patients, I have received a request from a TV company which is casting for an online series about the menopause and is looking for women to take part. It’s for a well-known lifestyle brand. I am sharing the below flyer for any of my patients who may be interested and would like to […]
Harrow Health Care Centre explains what menopause does to your body

Menopause isn’t one sudden event and there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. It can occur very differently depending on a wide range of factors, including whether it’s happening naturally or as a result of a medical condition, how much estrogen your body has produced, and even your mental health history.
Harrow Health Care shares its expertise on World Menopause Day

Today on World Menopause Day we aim to raise awareness for women who face health issues when approaching, during and beyond the menopause.
MPs call for the introduction of workplace policies to protect women experiencing menopause

MPs are calling for the Government to introduce workplace policies to protect women who are experiencing the menopause.
Study reveals three in five women suffer at work due to menopause

A recent study carried out by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), has revealed that three out of five (59 per cent) women between the ages of 45 and 55 believe their menopause symptoms are having a negative impact on them at work.
We support the PHE campaign for cervical screening

Public Health England (PHE) has launched a major new national campaign ‘Cervical Screening Saves Lives’, to increase the number of women attending their cervical screening across England.
Menstrual health to be taught in school by 2020

It will be compulsory to teach about periods at schools in England by 2020, which endometriosis sufferer Alice Smith calls “massive”. The 23-year-old was diagnosed with the chronic condition at 14 and has been campaigning for menstrual health to be on the school curriculum.
The menopause stigma needs to change in the workplace

Every woman’s experience with the menopause can vary; whilst most will go through the menopause between the age of 45 to 55, some women may start in their 30s or even younger.
Is it safe to take the contraceptive pill every day?

One of the most popular contraceptive options available in the UK is the contraceptive pill, historically women have been advised to take a seven-day break to help regulate hormones and thus induce menstruation.
NHS overturn ‘Pope Rule’ and suggest taking contraceptive pill every day

The NHS is changing their guidelines on how to take the contraceptive pill from the current ‘three weeks on, one week off’ suggestion to taking it every day of the month.