The medical remedy of acupuncture is gaining global popularity after proving to be an effective treatment for illnesses and ailments.
The treatment which originated in China is a technique that involves inserting very thin needles through a person’s skin at specific points on the body, to various depths.
It is becoming increasingly used as a useful method to treat a variety of conditions and pains.
Acupuncture treatment has very few side effects and can effectively be combined with a number of other treatments, and is proving to be extremely beneficial for patients who cannot take pain medications for their ailment.
There is also no chance of transmitting any infection as the needles used are the best quality sterile disposable type.
Here at Harrow Health Care Centre, we offer acupuncture as a treatment. Our service is led by Dr Ian Chait, who is a member of The British Medical Acupuncture Society and has been practising for over 25 years.
Dr Chait is a western acupuncturist and does not use traditional Chinese methods, instead using evidence-based methods, which he learns at BMAS scientific meetings or on courses.
His work is used to treat a number of conditions which include musculoskeletal pain, sciatica and arthritis, as well as headaches and migraines, shoulder pain and vomiting early in pregnancy.
There is also research that the treatment can be used to reduce the symptoms of Hay fever. The treatment can be tried at any time that symptoms are troublesome. However, it is best to start before the season gets started as it is easier to control then and a few treatments may last the whole season.
You can find out more about Harrow Health Care Centre’s acupuncture treatment at