Membership Schemes 

At the Harrow Health Care Centre we offer all patients a choice of care levels to suit your  individual needs. All our membership schemes include: 

  • Priority access and urgent appointments as appropriate within 24 hours.
  • Discounted fees on pathology tests, and nurse procedures not included in membership fees.
  • Access to out-of-hours home visits.

If you would like to become a member please contact us and we would be delighted to discuss the options with you

Scheme One

This is our most extensive level of cover, which is ideal for individuals or families who may need to consult with a doctor or nurse on a frequent basis.
  • No additional charge for Nurse consultations 
  • Discounted fees for additional GP consultations and Nurse procedures 
  • Children registered on this scheme are entitled to all childhood developmental checks 
  • Fifteen free GP consultations per year for an individual member and forty five free GP  consultations per year included in a family membership 
  • Adults who choose this Scheme receive a complementary Annual Health Review including  one of the following - a cervical, or cholesterol screen or a prostate antigen blood test for  men over 40.

Scheme Two

This scheme is specially designed for patients aged 40 and over who need occasional care. Family  membership is open to two adults and children in full-time education.
  • Adults who choose this scheme receive a complementary Annual Health Review which we  consider to be an essential part of good medical care 
  • Annual Health Review includes one of the following: a cervical or cholesterol screen or a  prostate antigen blood test for men over 40.
  • Discounted fees for additional GP consultations 

Scheme Three

This scheme has been designed with patients under 40 in mind, who would like to use us  exclusively as their GP for quick and easy access for acute medical problems. Family membership  is open to two adults and children in full-time education. 
  • One off membership fee - no further annual individual membership fees until you reach the  age of 40 and for family members until one adult reaches 40. 
  • Adults who choose this scheme receive one initial Health Review, including a complimentary  cervical, or cholesterol screen, as part of our registration process ∙ Discounted GP consultation fee rates