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Dr Woyka on Sleep (part 1)

There are 4 essentials without which we can’t survive I call them My 4 Pillars.

They are food, sleep, exercise and fun. We can’t manage much without them. You might wake up to a beautiful spring morning but if you’ve had a terrible night’s sleep it may be hard to enjoy it. Almost everybody has suffered with sleep deprivation and one of the commonest problems patients discuss with me relates to sleep issues. There is more and more information about the relative importance of sleep and we are beginning now to focus much more on ensuring we make protected time to allow ourselves to have sufficient good quality sleep. Some people have difficulty falling asleep and others of staying asleep. Early morning waking particularly associated with anxiety can be an indication of depression and most mental disorders have an impact on sleep either causing a deficit or an excessive tiredness.


Most adults need between 6-9 hours sleep. We hope we wake refreshed and excited with the new day, ideally we should awake without an alarm. Equally ideally we should be able to fall asleep within half an hour or so of going to bed and stay asleep much of the night.


Factors that can affect your sleep, apart from the inevitable demands of young babies and children include:

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