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Women need to keep on top of their personal health

An article in The Independent this week has voiced concerns that many doctors and medical professionals do not take female medical complaints seriously enough.

The concerns come at a time when reports are emerging that many women are contacting the ambulance service when they are suffering from severe morning sickness and other issues, as their GPs have been largely dismissing their complaints as ‘overreactions’.

A report in midwifery journal MIDIRS suggests that only 34 per cent of women who consulted their GP about morning sickness in 2017 were given the correct advice about how to treat it, while some women were even patronisingly told to “just deal with it,” implying that they were exaggerating their symptoms.

In reality, morning sickness can be incredibly painful, as anyone who has ever experienced it will know only too well. What’s more, many other exclusively female ailments, such as menopause-related migraines and extreme stomach cramps, can sometimes be the sign of something more serious.

For example, women who experience ‘rapid ballooning’ of the stomach on a regular basis could be suffering from growths in or around the womb known as fibroids, while those who are experiencing menopause-related symptoms at an unusually young age could potentially be going through the menopause prematurely.

With this in mind, it is important for women to keep on top of their personal health and consult real experts for regular check-ups if they have concerns about any unusual or recurring symptoms.

Here at The Harrow Health Care Centre, we provide a wide range of healthcare services to women, ranging from contraception and family planning information and advice to expert menopause management guidance.

To find out more about how we can help, please contact us today.

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