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What is the place of Covid antibody testing?

We have run over 600 antibody tests since mid May 2020, using the Abbott platform.

The blood test measures Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein of SARS Cov-2 in serum and gives a positive or negative result. It does not quantify or measure the antibody level, but a positive antibody titre is 1.4 Index s/c, which is very small.

This is what we have observed











What do we know about other infectious diseases that might help our understanding? 



The old BCG immunisation programme offered BCG to children aged 11 or 12. Those children had to have skin prick Mantoux testing before the BCG, as there would be some who already had antibodies to tuberculosis.

They had no history of having had tuberculosis but had had the infection without knowing it or being ill, but had sufficient exposure to produce antibodies and did not need BCG vaccination. This programme is no longer used.



This is a fairly infectious viral illness. Parents are often keen to have their children exposed to chickenpox at a preschool age and there are such things as chickenpox parties.

We might see that out of a group of 10 children exposed to one child with active chickenpox, only 2 or 3 children might develop chickenpox but the others don’t. That shows that even having intense exposure to a virus does not necessarily mean you will get the infection.

At subsequent times in their lives, those children who did not contract chickenpox at the intense chickenpox party may still develop chickenpox, suggesting that their immune system, which repelled chickenpox infection previously, cannot be relied upon to protect them subsequently.


Coughs and Colds

Within a household of close contacts, if one member develops a typical coryzal illness, cough or cold, not all other members of the household will develop the same illness.

There may be a variety of responses to that exposure, some develop the infection mildly, or with slightly different symptoms, and there may be others in the household who seem untouched by it.

Key points to consider:


If you are concerned you have COVID-19, or if you believe you have been exposed to it and wish to be tested, please contact us.  

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