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Study reveals three in five women suffer at work due to menopause

A recent study carried out by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), has revealed that three out of five (59 per cent) women between the ages of 45 and 55 believe their menopause symptoms are having a negative impact on them at work.

The research, which surveyed 1,409 women experiencing menopause symptoms, found that employees do not feel comfortable discussing the menopause at work.

65 per cent said it affected their skill to concentrate, 58 per cent said they experienced more stress and 52 per cent said it made them less patient with clients and colleagues.

30 per cent had taken sick leave because of their symptoms, but only a 25 per cent were able to give their manager the real reason for their absence.

In response, the CIPD is today launching free guidance on managing the menopause at work to help break the silence surrounding the topic.

The guide emphasises that even small changes like having a fan or access to flexible working can make a big difference to how women manage their symptoms and thrive in their jobs.

Rachel Suff, Senior Policy Adviser for the CIPD said: “It’s likely that nearly every workplace in the UK has someone experiencing the menopause right now but many managers are in the dark on how best to support them.

“Rather than it being a workplace taboo, line managers should be ready to treat the menopause like any other health condition and have open, supportive conversations with women in their teams.

“Our guidance shows that if employers create a culture where everyone can talk openly about health issues, such as the menopause, women are much more likely to feel confident about asking for the support they need to be effective in their role.”

Here at Harrow Health Care, our London Menopause Clinic is run by nationally recognised Accredited Menopause Specialist Dr Jane Woyka.

At Harrow Health Care, we understand that every woman’s menopause is individual to them and we will help work out what will be the best way forward for you.

Harrow Health Care’s approach is to assess the individual risks and benefits according to a patient’s personal and family medical history, in relation to their symptoms and quality of life. You will find Jane’s team knowledgeable about recent research and responsive to your worries and concerns.

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