Private Health Assessments Harrow North London
Our bespoke health assessments are designed to inspire you to move forward with confidence in your health and wellbeing. Each check-up involves a series of diagnostic tests, using the latest equipment and technology to discover any underlying health issues. An expert doctor will then recommend and offer lifestyle advice where appropriate.
Looking for a Specific Checkup?
Why do you need a health assessment?
Oddly, some people pay more attention to their cars than their own bodies. They’re happy to take their car to a garage for an annual MOT, to check all’s well under the bonnet. Yet, when it comes to their own health, some people don’t visit their doctor until they actually become ill.
At The Harrow Health Care Centre, we offer a top-to-toe medical MOT screening service to give you peace of mind that everything is as it should be.

Top to toe screening for healthy men and healthy women
How long does a health assessment take?
Health from every angle
Your health check-up is designed with you, your age, gender and lifestyle in mind. Therefore, each assessment includes: a urinalysis, blood tests, including tests for anaemia, infection, liver, kidney and thyroid function, diabetes screen and cholesterol testing, hearing and vision tests, resting ECG, lung function tests, colo-rectal cancer stool test for patients over 45, prostate cancer PSA blood test for men over 40, and a cervical screening test for women.
Other special investigations such as mammography, further cardiac evaluation, bone density assessment, aortic ultra-sound etc. may be advised.
Visa, Insurance and Employment Medicals
Why do you need a health assessment?
Health Screenings
Health Heart Screening
This screening examines your cardiac health with amongst other checks, an atrial fibrillation mini ECG check, some specialist blood tests, and a Q-risk score.
Healthy Lung Screening
This screening examines your lung health with amongst other checks, specialist spirometry analysis, peak flow, oxygen saturation, peak flow, and an Epworth score. The higher price includes a chest x-ray if clinically indicated.
Diabetes Screening
For those with an existing diagnosis of diabetes, the screening includes a lifestyle review, a foot check, and some specialist blood tests.
Health Woman Screening
This screening includes a breast exam, a pelvic exam and a cervical screening, along with several other checks.
Health Man Screening
This screening some specialist bloods tests and a prostate risk score, along with several other checks.
Standard Well Person
This screening examines your general health and includes a physical examination, a mini mental examination, a peak flow, an atrial fibrillation mini ECG check, and some specialist blood tests.