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HIV tests encouraged ahead of World AIDS Day

Saturday 1 December 2018 marks World AIDS Day, and people across the UK are being encouraged to seek out HIV tests ahead of the big international event.

Over the course of the past few weeks, celebrities including Prince Harry have been trying to raise awareness of HIV and encouraging sexually active Britons not to overlook the importance of getting themselves tested regularly.

Speaking in a video message issued last week, the Duke of Sussex said that HIV testing should be seen as “completely normal and accessible” and that UK adults should not be ashamed or embarrassed about taking the test – particularly at a time when sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are growing increasingly common.

HIV, or the ‘Human Immunodeficiency Virus’, is the virus which causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). According to up-to-date figures, HIV affects some 36.9 million people all over the world.

However, while late-stage HIV infection can gradually destroy a person’s immune system, leaving them susceptible to other viruses which may turn deadly, getting diagnosed early can enable those affected to lead perfectly healthy and normal lives with the aid of effective treatment.

World AIDS Day is encouraging people to ‘know their status’ and get tested early so that they can reap the full benefits of quality care services and medication where appropriate.

At the Harrow Health Care Centre, we offer a range of confidential, discreet and professional sexual health screenings, including HIV tests. These are undertaken by your choice of either a male or female practitioner.

To find out more, please contact us today.

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