Today on World Menopause Day we aim to raise awareness for women who face health issues when approaching, during and beyond the menopause.
Typically, periods become less frequent over a few months or years before they stop altogether, however, in some cases, their menstrual cycle can stop suddenly.
The average age the menopause occurs in women is 50 to 51 years old; common symptoms include hot flushes and night sweats.
Women can also experience an interrupted sleep pattern, mood swings, anxiety, irritability, weight gain, headaches, hair loss, overactive bladder, urinary incontinence, loss of libido and vaginal dryness.
The menopause is a natural process that begins some years before your periods stop and symptoms can last many years, with the average length of time for experiencing hot flushes being seven years, and many women experience them for much longer.
Around 90 per cent of women will experience some symptoms of the menopause, which is brought about when ovulation stops as a result of hormone levels dropping.
One in four of those women will have severe symptoms, including anxiety and depression, which can lead to them being diagnosed with mental health problems and prescribed medication. Hormone replacement can alleviate many of these symptoms, and sometimes we will wish to offer testosterone for management of libido issues and ongoing fatigue. Younger women who have had a surgical menopause, with ovaries removed are particularly likely to need testosterone replacement
Currently, there are no licensed testosterone products for female use in the UK, despite the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) 2015 guidelines recommending the effective use of HRT for postmenopausal women and how extremely effective it can be in reducing menopausal symptoms.
At Harrow Health Care, we understand that every woman’s menopause is individual to them and we will help work out what the best way forward is for you.
Harrow Health Care’s approach is to assess the individual risks and benefits according to a patient’s personal and family medical history, regarding their symptoms and quality of life.
As a nationally accredited Menopause Specialist (British Menopause Society / Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health), you will find that Dr Jane Woyka and her team are knowledgeable about recent research and responsive to your worries and concerns.
Dr Woyka also works at the Clinical Research and Menopause Unit at Northwick Park Hospital within an award-winning menopause team. Within the practice, Jane undertakes about 600 menopause consultations per year.
Jane was an elected Member of the British Menopause Council on which she served for the maximum six-year term and continues to teach on the BMS accredited Advanced Certificate in Menopause Care.
As a recognised expert in this field, Jane has featured in many journals, national newspapers and radio talks such as BBC News, Evening Standard and the Voice of Islam Radio.
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