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Harrow Health Care Centre calls on women to get inspired by International Women’s day to check their health

Doctors and nurses at Harrow Health Care Centre are encouraging patients to use International Women’s Day as a reminder to organise a check-up.

Dr Jane Woyka, a leading expert in women’s health and Principal GP at the practice, wants women to set a reminder in their diary for the special day on 8 March to make sure they are healthy.

She recommends using the day as a chance to book a check-up which encompasses all aspects of women’s health.

“It is very easy to get caught up in our busy lives and miss your regular reviews but it is important that women do this to maximise their options to enjoy excellent health” said Dr Woyka.

“Regardless of a women’s age, there are always certain issues that they are concerned about or diseases and conditions to which they may be at risk.

“To give themselves peace of mind, they should use International Women’s Day as a chance to receive a clean bill of health for the year ahead.”

Harrow Health Care Centre is one of a number of practices that offers dedicated medical screening for female patients, which takes into consideration conditions such as the menopause, contraception, sexual health and screening for cervical cancer.

“International Women’s Day is dedicated to celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, but for us to continue making such a significant contribution to the world we need to make sure we are fit and healthy,” Jane added.

To find out more about Harrow Health Care Centre’s women’s health services, please visit

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