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How can Private Occupational Health Services help me if an employee is on long-term sick leave?

For employers, dealing with an employee with work-related injuries or long term sickness issues can be awkward and confusing when it comes to working out how to help and ultimately, get them back into work.

For business continuity, the health of your employees is as important as ensuring that they have your support in any recovery.

Saying that we all know that sickness can strike without warning, leaving businesses in a vulnerable position if they are not prepared.

Occupational Health Services

Having Occupational Health Services (OHS) for your company, in the form of a company health scheme, can prevent unexpected costs amounting as a result of an employee being injured.

OHS can provide reports on absent staff for employers, giving details on when they can return to work, what duties can be carried out and any restrictions that apply.

It can speed up the process to have a health care provider that has prior knowledge of your company and employees, supporting your business through medical guidance and reports.

If an employee needs to go on long-term absence, having OHS in place can speed up the process, allowing your company to bring in temporary cover while the member of staff is absent. This can make a significant difference to small businesses, minimising the loss of labour and ensuring the best of care for the employee.

Harrow Health Care

At Harrow Health Care, we offer tailor-made Occupational Health Services for companies. We can provide a Company Health Scheme that includes;

We also offer a range of other Occupational Health Services, which can be found here.

For more information, contact our expert team today.


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