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31 March 2020 message to our members

31 March 2020

Dear Harrow Health Care Centre Patients

We want to reassure you that we are committed to providing care for you in these challenging times. We have every intention of remaining open, however, we have had to make some necessary changes to adapt to the current circumstances.

We have converted all our consultations to video or telephone consultations although if after talking to you, our registered patient, we feel that a face to face consultation is essential then this will be offered.

In line with current guidance, we are unable to offer face to face consultations for anybody with a

  • temperature above 37.8 or
  • with any form of cough

However, we are more than happy to give advice remotely, on the phone or by video.

We have temporarily changed the hours of opening and reception will be here between 9.00am – 6.00pm with the doctors seeing patients between 9.00am – 12.00pm and 2.00pm – 5.00pm. We have a very limited nurse service. The doctors on duty are Dr Woyka or Dr Nathan. We will continue to run a Saturday morning service 9.00am – 12.00pm for the moment.

We are aware that some of you have received information identifying you as being extremely vulnerable and therefore to be shielded. This information has come from centralised NHS services and some patients have been missed. You can access the government guidelines which identify those of you that fall into the categories of being extremely vulnerable, and if you feel you are within that category please follow the advice which is to undertake total physical isolation (shielding). Please let us know if you need support or help in this matter.

All our prescriptions will be posted to you or to your nominated pharmacy following any consultation or repeat prescription request.

Any general questions about Coronavirus (Covid-19), the online NHS 111 website is an excellent source for information. Please visit here. We are sorry, but we have no authority to access a home oxygen supply, and no private hospital will admit anyone with Covid-19 like symptoms.

Testing for Covid-19, compliant with Public Health England, is still not available in the community at present (even privately) and we do not advise to use the testing kits you can obtain online or elsewhere currently.

We have been unable to notify you by our usual text systems as we introduced a new software system on 13 March which has not yet provided that facility.

We are grateful for your patience and understanding and will do everything we can to maintain a service for you during this difficult time for everyone. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.

Best wishes

Yours sincerely


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